Highlight new ways to promote health

Inspire and energise delegates at your next event

Bring your next conference to life with a dynamic presentation or workshop. Past clients include NHS trusts, local government, private companies and charities.

Contact Garrath to check his availability.

Example presentation


This video gives an introduction to the approach, a sample of training course content and feedback from past participants.

Sample of previous invitations

1st March 2016

Salisbury Council Community Development Conference

Solution Focused Community Development

13th Oct 2015

BHF Alliance East and South Regional Conference

Solution Focused Behaviour Change

21st Nov 2013

BHF National Centre Physical Activity and Health 13th Annual Conference

Promoting Health Behaviour Change

23rd June 2011

The British Pain Society and Canadian Pain Society — ASM

Solution Focused Pain Management

23rd Nov 2010

BHF National Centre Physical Activity and Health 10th Annual Conference

Patient Empowerment: Utilising a Solution Focused Approach

8th May 2009

North East Physical Activity Forum CPD Event

Brief Interventions for Health Professionals

10th Sept 2008

Derby PCT Primary Care Forum Weighing up the Options — Nutrition and Obesity

Solutions to Obesity (Keynote presentation and workshop)

29th April 2008

4th National Obesity and Health Conference

Solution Focused Practice — Improving Patient Interactions

28th April 2006

North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust

'From Patient-to-Person: Solutions to Self Care'

7th March 2006

Department of Health and British Heart Foundation

'Amplifying Workplace Health Motivation' 'Well@Work' Network Event

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Speak to Garrath today on 020 3289 3191 or email mail@garrathford.co.uk

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