Professionals highly recommend Garrath

See what your peers are saying

I've been looking for an approach like this for 25 years!
GP & CQC Inspector
We get better outcomes quicker.
Speech and Language Therapist (Children)
I soon realised it was benefiting my practice.
Health Visitor
It's totally changing the way we talk to patients.
I definitely use fewer sessions now.
Speech and Language Therapist
This is valuable to all health professionals.
Practice Nurse
I will use this approach whenever I am with a patient.
Community Staff Nurse
My consultations will now be Solution Focused.
Pregnancy Stop Smoking Specialist
It’s brilliant and it works really well.
Occupational Therapist
I will use this approach when seeing patients for medical check–ups.
Community Pharmacist
I use it as an assessment tool as well as a therapeutic tool.
School Nurse (Manager)
The concept is brilliant and everyone should know about this!
Weight Loss Mentor
This is a new and refreshing way of working.
Stop Smoking Advisor
I am excited to have a new approach to my work.
Health Development Worker
I will use it throughout all my consultations.
Lifestyle Project Worker
I will integrate it into all my sessions.
Community Food Worker
I will use this approach on a daily basis at work.
Staff Development Nurse
It gives practitioners a more useful way of working with patients.
Community Support Nurse
It is going to change the way we interview our patients– this is a positive approach.
Exercise Referral Co–ordinator
I am going to make my assessments Solution Focused.
Stop Smoking Specialist
It has given me a new approach and it’s going to make a real difference.
Health Promotion Officer
I will definitely incorporate it into my consultations.
Exercise Referral Co–ordinator
I will definitely use this on my home visits.
Health and Wellbeing Outreach Worker
It has shown me how to help people to help themselves.
Exercise Referral Co–ordinator
There is hardly a week that goes by where I don’t use it.
School Nurse
Wonderful… you can use it in almost any consultation and improve the quality of it.
General Practitioner

This is the best short course I have ever done.
Exercise Instructor (GP Referral / Cardiac Rehab)
I will use this training with every patient I see in the future.
Chronic Disease Nurse Specialist
Strategically I will promote this training in the county. Really great!
Health Development Manager
I will be promoting this regionally so look out for me commissioning more courses!
Regional Physical Activity Manager
The course was interactive and friendly, I really enjoyed it.
Physical Activity Officer
The course was excellent, I was able to practice what I was learning.
Brief Intervention Officer
I liked the interactive teaching style and the use of client videos.
Community Development Warden
The video examples were very enlightening and it was helpful to see the approach being used in practice.
Public Health Nurse Specialist
Very comfortable environment, non–judgemental and encouraging.
Pregnancy Stop Smoking Specialist
I was able to make mistakes in a non–threatening and fun environment.
Enjoyable and informative, would recommend other professionals to do this course.
We gained a very good understanding and could see how to deliver it in practice.
Social Worker
Relaxed and informative – I really enjoyed it, thanks.
Research Associate
The course allowed me to learn a new approach – and gave me the confidence to go out and use it!
Health Improvement Specialist
I already want to go on the follow–on course!
Health Coach
The time went really quickly. Excellent course.
Health Improvement Practitioner
I would definitely recommend this course to others. Everyone in my workplace should do it!
Occupational Therapist
I will use this training for our lifestyle service.
Healthy Lifestyles Development Officer
I will use this training on a daily basis with clients.
Healthy Lifestyles Development Officer
I learnt new skills that will help me in my role.
Health and Wellbeing Outreach Worker
The training took a very positive approach.
Lifestyle Manager
This course shows you how to actually do a patient–centred approach.
Senior Physiotherapist
I will use it with clients and when managing projects – thank you.
Specialist Dietician
This will help with retention on our exercise referral scheme.
Exercise Referral Professional
The course has re–fuelled my passion and made me feel positive.
Drugs and Alcohol Worker
I knew I needed more structure in my consultations and this course has achieved that.
Senior Clinical Nurse
I will now be able to offer more collaborative consultations.
Diabetes Specialist Nurse
I will use the approach in all my assessments and reviews. Excellent!
Community Respiratory Physiotherapist
I can’t wait to put it into practice.
Cardiac Rehab Phase IV Professional
Great course – it has opened my eyes to something new! Very useful!
Community Weight Management Nutritionist
A very worthwhile and enjoyable course – thank you!
Health Psychologist
I intend to use this approach in all my one–to–one’s and group sessions.
Stop Smoking Advisor
I will use a Solution Focused approach whenever I am with clients.
Health Improvement Practitioner
I would definitely recommend this training to others.
Superb. A relaxed and friendly learning environment.
Lifestyle Advisor
I found the course fascinating.
Health Psychologist
This course is relevant across all the health professions. I would definitely recommend it.
General Practitioner
I intend to use it everyday at work.
Practice Nurse
The course was very well designed– making sense of it was simple.
Health Improvement Specialist (Obesity/Physical Activity)
I will use it in my client work, within supervision and team meetings.
Health Visitor
Excellent Garrath! Very knowledgeable and good teaching methods.
Public Health Nurse Specialist
Garrath’s approach was excellent and very entertaining.
Speech and Language Therapist
Garrath was encouraging and is fully involved in using the approach.
Workplace Health Specialist
I most liked Garrath’s patience and openness to questions.
Sport and Exercise Scientist
Garrath was sensitive to and supported the learning of all course members.
Fitness and Exercise Instructor
Garrath was relaxed, light hearted and patient with the group.
Garrath set a very comfortable and relaxed environment to learn in.
Exercise on Referral Consultant
The training was brilliantly done– excellent delivery and exercises!
Ageing Well Manager
Garrath definitely supported my learning needs – he couldn't have been better.
Occupational Therapist

Speak to Garrath today on 020 3289 3191 or email

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