Back to the future

In Solution Focused work the past, present and future all have a role. We find it most useful to emphasise the future in our first meetings.

We have moved from an information giver to an information seeker.

We purposefully engage our clients in conversations about how they hope their future to be. We follow clients in a solution focused direction, taking care to construct our question on their last answer.

Here are some of my favourite questions to increase your repertoire:

What would be the first sign that that was happening?

What would be your special way of doing that?

What would most please you about doing that?

How would that be good for you?

How would you do that- in a way that was good for you?

What would you become more interested in?

How would that show itself?

What’s telling you that would be the right thing to do?

Who knows you best……..what would they be pleased to notice about you?

Just like the movie, we can offer our clients a time machine. Life is different when we can see a future!

What a gift we can offer to our clients! How are you taking care to do this?

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