Garrath Ford

- Consultant Trainer

Many years ago I had a life-changing experience. I met a lady that despite attending a weight loss support group for 30 years was still morbidly obese and miserable. Frustrated at traditional models of health behaviour change and advice giving, I had to admit that I didn't have anything else to offer. I left this lady determined to find strategies that could help individuals take control of their lifestyles and health conditions.

Meeting this lady inspired me to develop a career working as a Senior Counsellor specialising in a groundbreaking new approach. My experience includes setting up an outpatient service for medically compromised adults with obesity and a service enhancing self-management of long-term conditions in general practice. I continue to work directly with patients (part-time) in the NHS.

I am an independent trainer and consultant to health organisations across the United Kingdom and internationally. Since 2007 I have pioneered Solution Focused Health Improvement in the United Kingdom – training thousands of frontline professionals.

I am interested in collaborating with any organisations who truly wish to create ‘health promoting’ services. For example, for over ten years I have been a consultant to The BHF National Centre Physical Activity and Health at Loughborough University. My courses have been featured within Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: Directory of obesity training providers, DOM and HM Government.

National and international conference organisers ask me to present my ideas and I have been recently published by The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine. Read here »

I look forward to meeting you at an event. In the meantime, to stay up-to-date on exciting developments, sign up to my Practice Tips and follow me on my blog and twitter.

Speak to Garrath today on 020 3289 3191 or email

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