Don’t be a drug dealer

We either trust our clients or we don’t. Simple.

Which one we choose says and means everything.

One communicates ‘you need my help’, ‘try this’, ‘I have the answer for you’, ‘I know what is best for you’, ‘my way is better than yours’, ‘you can’t do this without me’, ‘what you need is….’ etc

The other says ‘you have already got what it takes’.

Expert professionals don’t trust. They snatch responsibility away. Individuals are slowly rendered passive. Dependency is created and clients come back again and again for another hit.

We can still be professionals with expert knowledge but added to that we can trust that people are trying their best, do things for good reasons and know the way forward. Instead of pushing advice, we can ask questions.

In a world of drug dealers, clients will wonder why they are thriving in your presence.

Let’s promote independence.

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